This CDA Competition Team holds many state and national titles, and is a proud recipient of the ADCC Award! The team focuses on building each other up and performing at a high skill level. They compete regionally in 3-5 competitions throughout the state, and semiannually attend national competitions. The Heat also performs at events such as the Globetrotters, Fireflies Baseball, and Citadel Halftime Shows. They have also performed at sea aboard Carnival Cruise Line and in multiple parades at Walt Disney World.
Being a part of the CDA Comp Team is a commitment by both student and parent, but it's an experience that is well worth the commitment. This is a team where students will make lifelong best friends and learn valuable lessons that far exceed dance.
Each team member is required to take a minimum of two genres of dance, (tap, jazz, contemporary, hip hop, etc.), as well as a technique class each week. If we could have this team at the studio five days a week, we would-- but we know that isn’t realistic, nor do we want to do that to them. However, it is likely that team members will have classes 2 days a week. Class attendance is critical. We stress teamwork, and a team can not function at its best ability if someone is missing. If you are the type of parent to let their child quit something the first time they come home wanting to quit, this is probably not the best idea for your child. This will not always be a walk in the park, and our expectations of them are high.
When I was 8 years old, I wanted to quit dance because I didn’t like ballet. Thank goodness my mom was smarter than me and didn’t let me quit!
Every CDA Comp. Team member is required to audition each year. They may make the team one year and not the next. They may not make the team at all. However, do not let that possibility be the reason they do not try out! Students who do not make the competition team may still participate in recreational dance classes and re-audition next year. The only dancers not required to audition are rising Graduating Seniors.
Auditions consist of being presented choreography in 2 genres of dance and being able to execute said choreography back to a panel of judges, which will consist of dance professionals who are not instructors at CDA. Dancers may also be asked to execute specific skills such as certain leaps and turns. Not being able to do every skill is not a deal breaker, but students should be willing to attempt every skill. Dancers will audition with the group that their current age falls into, but this does not necessarily mean they will be with that team come results time. Audition results will be determined by the judging panel.
Parents must sign an audition form and pay an audition fee of $25.00. We pay our judges and instructors for their time! Dancers are expected to be in dance clothes with hair completely pulled off the face. It is strongly recommended that each dancer bring a water to auditions.
Auditions are May 18th 2024
Ages 4-6 .................... 10:00-11:00
Ages 7-9 .................... 11:00-12:00
Ages 10-12 ................ 12:30-2:00
Ages 13+ ................... 2:00-3:30
Ages are as of May 18th. Age is for auditions only and may only be used as a guideline for team placement.
$25 audition fee and parental consent must be paid/signed the day of auditions.
Tuition costs of competition classes are not much different from recreational classes, if at all.
Costumes are typically $20-30 more per costume, as we have to order higher quality costumes to last through several more wears. Carolina Heat members will be required to purchase a warm up suit that costs approximately $125. We try to use these for 2-3 years. Comp dancers will also be required to purchase competition jewelry for performances. For earrings and choker, the costs is approximately $30. We use the same ones yearly so this could be a one time expense if you keep up with them.
If we bring in an outside choreographer, we must pay them. Typically, this applies to our middle and oldest teams and fees are typically a one time $50 per student per dance. Younger teams may incur choreography fees as well.
Competition fees are fees charged by the competitions we attend. They are based on a per dancer/per dance factor and vary from comp to comp. If your child takes two dance styles and the comp fees are $45 per dancer/per dance, the entry fee for your child would be $90 for that particular competition. Solo and duet fees tend to be much higher than group fees.
We typically do 3-4 comps per year, and they all fall between February and May. We send the exact schedule of competitions with dates, fees, and due dates in October so that everyone can prepare.
Competitions have deadlines for payments that cannot be extended (usually 30 days prior to the comp date). If a student hasn’t paid, they will not be allowed to compete and their placement on the team will be in jeopardy. We compete as team, and when even one person is missing, it can impact the choreography of the dance. Travel expenses will also vary. We try to compete within driving distance, and sometimes the comps are right here in Manning! However, on occasion a hotel stay is required.
Side note… Mrs. Dixie does not benefit financially from competitions. I pay the same fees for my child to compete as each competition parent. I typically put my own money into props and always have to stay two nights at a hotel when competing out of town. I have dancers of different ages normally competing on different days. Having a competition team is a sacrifice for my wallet as well, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. As a mom of four kids, I can assure you that the expense of these days is worth every single penny!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Tuition fees must be payed before all the "fun stuff". (If we can't keep the lights on, we can't see to practice!)
Dancers and parents of the “Heat” are expected to show positive attitudes and maturity.
Even our youngest Heat dancers are very mature! They must want to be at dance practice. They must be excited about it. They must show responsibility and determination. The very best dancer can ruin a team with an ugly attitude and the most supportive parent can ruin it for their child by encouraging entitlement. This is a non-negotiable fact.
Dancers will earn placements based on attitude first and skill second. The fastest way to get to the back row is to think you belong on the front row… Yes, I said that! This is not my first rodeo. I pride myself on having a strong yet sweet group of girls that understand life is not about winning a trophy.
Also, while we don’t hold children accountable for their parent’s actions, we have and will remove a child from the team if the parents cannot behave in a respectful manner at all times within the studio or at any function CDA participates in. If a parent has any concerns, they are encouraged to come directly to Mrs. Dixie at any time that she is not teaching. We can always work out a solution to any situation that may arise. We fully understand that these are your most precious gifts, and we promise to love them as our own.
Teamwork is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of being on the dance team. Life is not a solo sport, and neither is dance. We want to raise good humans at the same time as good dancers. We are a DRAMA FREE TEAM , and diva attitudes are only allowed on stage. Also, we expect our dancers to maintain a high level of dignity, and respect for themselves and others at all times, even when not at the studio. As a member of the Heat, they represent CDA within the community. If their actions, words, social media accounts, etc. reflect poor decisions, their placement on the team will be compromised.
Dance kept me out of trouble in high school and I want it to do the same for my dancers!
All competition students are eligible to earn a solo/duet/trio if that is something they are interested in!
However, with this comes great responsibility! Students will pay a one-time fee to the choreographer to learn their dance. After that, they will be responsible for practicing and perfecting it. Any additional time spent with the choreographer to assess and/or clean it will be an additional fee.
We do not have time in the week to allow for one-on-one practice However, dancers are encouraged to use any empty dance room for practice at no charge during normal working hours. Students also much show a greater level of maturity to perform a solo. They will be competing against many of their own teammates, who may score higher than they do. Soloists must be able to win and lose graciously and respectfully. Students and parents who can not adhere to this will not be allowed to compete their solo at the following competition. Teamwork comes before solo work.
The CDA Heat is often asked to perform within the community. We seek opportunities for these dancers to promote teamwork, community involvement, and the simple fact that a performance team needs to perform. All Heat members are expected to attend any outside performances, parades, festivals, etc.
As competition season gets closer, we will hold additional practices. Usually, these practices occur 2-3 weeks prior to our fist competition and are on Sunday afternoons.
(Sooo, now that I've probably scared most of y'all...)

In return for everything mentioned above, you and your child will receive:
Unconditional love and support from our instructors.
A team that supports and encourages each other, both inside and outside the studio!
Education on proper dance technique and terminology.
A sense of teamwork and community.
Something to feel dedication and ambition towards.
An important feeling of responsibility.
Lessons to encourage kindness and humbleness.
The love of dance.
Friends for life.
A premium dance education.
Competition dance is not for everyone-- and that’s fine! We love ALL of our dancers and know that it is not the right choice for every student and family. However, for those wishing to compete, I want to make sure that the expectations are 100% transparent. Thank you for your time and if you made it this far, thank you for reading to the end! Bless you!